With almost 580.000 members and 420.000 unique visitors a month, MijnSerie is the biggest platform for series fans in the Benelux. Fans can find all sorts of information about their favourite series, like news, reviews, cast, release dates, advised series and more.MijnSerie is all about offering relevance and added value to her visitors and members. 100.000 personalised e-mails are send on a monthly basis, containing only the information our specific member requests.
In order to make the information more accessible, we offer a free mobile app. The app has been downloaded over 40.000 times and is used 90.000 times per month. All information on MijnSerie is available in English and Dutch.
Member profile
Due to the wide range of series, our member and visitor profile is diverse. MijnSerie offers relevant series information for every age, with the following distribution:
Members by age:
Till 18
Between 18 and 25
Between 25 and 35
Between 35 and 50
Older than 50
Advertising possibilities
The platform of MijnSerie consists out of 3 locations;, MijnSerie app and Possibilities and tariffs are specified per medium.